Batman: Gotham Knights – Gilded City is a six-issue comic book series that serves as a thrilling prequel to the Gotham Knights game, written by Evan Narcisse and illustrated by Abel.
The series takes place in both modern-day Gotham and the Gotham of 1847, and each print issue includes a code that readers can redeem for an exclusive in-game item.
Paid subscribers of DC UNIVERSE INFINITE (not available in all territories) will also be able to access digital issues of Batman: Gotham Knights – Gilded City, and will receive codes upon reading the issue.
Codes will not be available during the free trial period of DC UNIVERSE INFINITE. Readers who redeem codes from all six issues will receive four exclusive skin variants (one for each character)!
The in-game items unlocked by these codes are true exclusives. The only way to get these items is by redeeming the codes from the comics (only available in print copies and for paying subscribers of DC UNIVERSE INFINITE). Readers/players will not be able to buy these items in the game.